We offer comprehensive and high quality dental treatments at Goodwill Dental Ipoh.
From general dentistry, cosmetic procedures, orthodontics and mental health, we have you all covered.
If you have dental phobia or dental fear, you should come to our clinic.
Available Dental Services / Rawatan Gigi Yang Disediakan:
- Scaling & Polishing / Cuci Gigi /洗牙和抛光
- Fillings / Tampalan /补牙
Whitening / Pemutihan Gigi / 美白牙齿
Fluoride Varnish / Sapuan Florida/涂氟(防蛀牙,防牙齿敏感)
Denture / Gigi Palsu /假牙
Root Canal Treatment / Rawatan Akar Gigi /牙根治疗
Extraction / Cabutan /拔牙
- Minor Oral Surgery / Surgeri Gigi Bongsu/拔智慧牙手术
Crown / Sarung Gigi /牙冠
Bridge / Jambatan Gigi /牙桥
- Fiber Reinforced Composite (FRC)
Implant / Implan/ 植牙
Braces / Pendakap Gigi /绑牙
Clear Aligners/隐形牙套
- X-Rays (OPG, Lateral Cephalogram, IOPA)/ 口腔 Xray
- Oral Cancer Screening/ Saringan Kanser Mulut / 口腔癌检查
- Smoking Cessation Clinic / Klinik Berhenti Merokok/ 戒烟服务
- Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS) Screening / Ujian Saringan Minda Sihat/心理辅导
- Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Pain / Rawatan Sendi Rahang/牙胶疼痛治疗
- Burning Mouth Syndrome Management/Rawatan Mulut Pedih /口腔灼热症治疗
- Trigeminal Neuralgia Management/Rawatan Saraf Muka /脸部三叉神经刺痛
Contact Us!
Contact us for professional dental services including general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry and emergency dental care. Let us help you overcome your dental phobia.
“I used to be terrified of the dentist, but Goodwill Dental Ipoh changed that. They are so gentle and caring, I actually look forward to my visits now.”